This document contains several examples that show how to use Silverlight to create interactive controls. This document contains the following sections. hyperlink exampleThe following example creates a hyperlink from a TextBlock and a Line. [hide XAML] <Canvas Width="300" Height="300" xmlns="" xmlns:x=""> <!-- Hyperlink --> <Canvas Width="90" Height="30" Canvas.Left="20" Canvas.Top="20" Background="transparent" Cursor="Hand" MouseEnter="hyperlink_MouseEnter" MouseLeave="hyperlink_MouseLeave" MouseLeftButtonDown="hyperlink_MouseLeftButtonDown"> <TextBlock Text="hyperlink" Foreground="Blue"/> <Line Stroke="blue" StrokeThickness="1" X1="0" Y1="20" X2="65" Y2="20" x:Name="hyperlink_line" Opacity="0"/> </Canvas> </Canvas> [hide JavaScript] function hyperlink_MouseLeftButtonDown(sender, args) { window.location = "about-frames.html"; } function hyperlink_MouseEnter(sender,args) { sender.findName("hyperlink_line").opacity = 1; } function hyperlink_MouseLeave(sender,args) { sender.findName("hyperlink_line").opacity = 0; } [hide] [restart] button exampleThe following example creates a button from two Rectangle elements and a TextBlock. [hide XAML] <Canvas Width="300" Height="300" xmlns="" xmlns:x=""> <!-- Button --> <Canvas x:Name="button" Canvas.Top="10" Canvas.Left="20" MouseLeftButtonDown="button_MouseLeftButtonDown" MouseLeftButtonUp="button_MouseLeftButtonUp" MouseEnter="button_MouseEnter" MouseLeave="button_MouseLeave"> <Canvas.RenderTransform> <TransformGroup> <TranslateTransform x:Name="button_transform" X="0" Y="0"/> </TransformGroup> </Canvas.RenderTransform> <Rectangle Stroke="#FF000000" Fill="sc#1, 0.8123474, 0.8123474, 0.8123474" Width="128.8" Height="56" x:Name="button_rectangle"/> <Rectangle Stroke="sc#1, 0.912730157, 0.37122494, 0.17111966" StrokeThickness="5" Width="126.8" Height="54" Canvas.Left="1" Canvas.Top="1" Opacity="0" x:Name="button_highlight"/> <TextBlock Text="Press me!" FontSize="20" Canvas.Left="22" Canvas.Top="12"/> </Canvas> </Canvas> [hide JavaScript] var mouseOver = false; var pressed = false; function button_MouseLeftButtonDown(sender,args) { sender.captureMouse(); mouseOver = true; pressed = true; updateVisuals(sender); } function button_MouseLeftButtonUp(sender,args) { sender.releaseMouseCapture(); pressed = false; updateVisuals(sender); if (mouseOver) { alert("you pressed the button!"); } } function button_MouseEnter(sender,args) { mouseOver = true; updateVisuals(sender); } function button_MouseLeave(sender,args) { mouseOver = false; updateVisuals(sender); } function updateVisuals(sender) { //background if (pressed && mouseOver) { sender.findName("button_rectangle").fill = "sc#1, 0.548430264, 0.5354195, 0.5354195"; var transform = sender.findName("button_transform"); transform.x = 2; transform.y = 2; } else { sender.findName("button_rectangle").fill = "sc#1, 0.8123474, 0.8123474, 0.8123474"; var transform = sender.findName("button_transform"); transform.x = 0; transform.y = 0; } // highlight if (mouseOver || pressed) { sender.findName("button_highlight").opacity = 1; } else { sender.findName("button_highlight").opacity = 0; } } [hide] [restart] slider exampleThe following example creates a slider from a Line and a Path. [hide XAML] <Canvas Width="300" Height="300" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" Loaded="slider_Loaded"> <!-- Slider --> <Canvas x:Name="slider" Canvas.Top="50" Canvas.Left="20" Width="200" Height="45" Background="transparent"> <Line x:Name="slider_line" Stroke="black" StrokeThickness="1" X1="0" Y1="25" X2="200" Y2="25" /> <Rectangle Fill="Transparent" Width="200" Height="45" MouseLeftButtonDown="slider_MouseLeftButtonDown" /> <Path x:Name="slider_thumb" Stroke="#FF000000" Fill="sc#1, 0.548430264, 0.5354195, 0.5354195" Data="M0,0 L11.5,0 11.5,30 5.75,40 0,30z" MouseLeftButtonUp="slider_thumb_MouseLeftButtonUp" MouseMove="slider_thumb_MouseMove" MouseLeftButtonDown="slider_thumb_MouseLeftButtonDown" /> </Canvas> </Canvas> [hide JavaScript] var mouseDownPosition = 0; var mouseDownValue = -1; var thumbCenter = 5.75; function slider_Loaded(sender, args) { slider_SetValue(sender, 0); } function slider_MouseLeftButtonDown(sender, args) { var coordinate = args.getPosition(null).x; var slider = sender.findName("slider"); coordinate -= slider["Canvas.Left"]; slider_SetValue(slider, coordinate - thumbCenter); } function slider_thumb_MouseLeftButtonDown(sender, args) { var slider = sender.findName("slider"); sender.captureMouse(); mouseDownValue = slider_GetValue(slider); mouseDownPosition = args.getPosition(null).x; } function slider_thumb_MouseLeftButtonUp(sender, args) { var slider = sender.findName("slider"); slider.releaseMouseCapture(); mouseDownValue = -1; } function slider_thumb_MouseMove(sender, args) { var slider = sender.findName("slider"); if (mouseDownValue != -1) { var newValue = mouseDownValue + (args.getPosition(null).x - mouseDownPosition); slider_SetValue(slider, newValue); } } function slider_GetValue(sender) { var thumb = sender.findName("slider_thumb"); return thumb["Canvas.Left"]; } function slider_SetValue(sender, newValue) { if (newValue > sender.width ) { newValue = sender.width; mouseDownValue = -1; } if (newValue < - thumbCenter) { newValue = - thumbCenter; mouseDownValue = -1; } var thumb = sender.findName("slider_thumb"); thumb["Canvas.Left"] = newValue; } [hide] [restart] Copyright © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. 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